What Does "Putang ina" mean? XD

One of the barriers that separates other culture and country from other countries is their languages itself, we call this the language barrier. You might wonder what the **** s/he is saying! in one way or the other you might get annoyed. Thus understanding the culture and language itself is definitely important. Playing HON for almost a year, language has always been one of  the problems, some players do not really use the medium language it's like they do not care for the other, they lack sensitivity and respect.
But one problem also is that some people get annoyed too much( to those who do not use the medium language) that they tend to generalize a specific country for let us say for 3 players or more. It is not like that, maybe some talk shits, but not all talk like that. XD

"Putang ina mo" - to understand the word lets try to look at its etymology. Puta = Hoar/prostitute, Ina= Mother, and Mo= you. This word is practically one of the taboo words in the Philippines, it is a word that mothers don't want their children to speak of. 

Bobo/tanga - it means that your dull, slow to understand, and stupid. 

Ukinam - this is a ilocano word for "Puki ng ina mo" which means  Puki = vagina/pussy ina=mother, mo= you, in short s/he is insulting your mother.

Yawa - Visayan word for "devil"(e.g Yawa ka = you're a devil!)

In the Philippines we have 171 dialects, if you have a chance to visit the Philippines you can try to learn them yourselves, probably you have 0.1%  of success XD.

labels: puta, mean, hon, ina