Primary Attribute: Agility
Str: 20
Agi: 20
Intl: 14
Attack Type: Melee
Damage: 44-48
Range: 125
Attack/Sec.: 0.71
Swoftblade works himself into a Blade Frenzy. While in this state, he gains magic Immunity and deals high damage per second to any nearby enemy units. Swfitblade is free to move around even while this skill is active.
Action: Target Self
Type: Enemy Units
Type: Magic
Radius: 250
Mana Cost: 110
Cooldown: 30.0/28.0/26.0/24.0 seconds
Deals 80/100/120/140 Magic Damage per second to targets units in radius. Applies Blade Frenzy to self for duration of activation. Lasts 5 seconds.
Swiftblade is not disarmed with level 4 of this ability but his attack is lowered by 50% and he cannot crit.
Dispells all debuffs and buffs on use.
Blade Frenzy Effects
Immunity Type: Magic Immunity 1
Counter Attack
Extensive training in melee combat has allowed Swiftblade to perfect the art of countering enemy attacks, granting a chance that he will retaliate every time an enemy hero attacks him.
Action: Passive
Required Level: 1/3/5/7
On Attack
15/20/25/30% chance to counter-attack if attacker is an enemy hero.
Way of the Sword
Swiftblade's unsurpassed skill at the sword has made him a master of hitting where it hurts, giving him a chance to critically strike opponents with each attack.
Action: Passive
Required Level: 1/3/5/7
On Attack:
10/18/26/36 % chance to deal a 2.0x critical strike
Swift Slashes
Swiftblade attacks random nearby targets with such speed that he appears to teleport to them. Targets are randomly chosen, yet it is possible to teleport to the same target multiple times.
Action: Target Entity
Type: Organic Enemy Units
Type: Physical
range: 450
Cast time: 1.7/2.5/3.7 Seconds
Mana Cost: 200/275/350
Cooldown: 130.0/120.0/110.0 Seconds
Required level: 6/11/16
Teleports self to random targets 3/5/8 times, dealing 150 to 250 Physical Damage to each target along with a mini stun. Applies Swift Slashes to self for duration of acticvation.
The Ability can be boosted by staff of the Masters
Staff effect: Increases teleport count from (3,5,8) to (5/7/10) and reduces cooldown to (110,100,90)
Swift Slashes Effects
Skill Build:
1. Blade Frenzy
2. Stats/Counter-Attack
3. Blade Frenzy
4. Stats
5. Blade Frenzy
6. Swift Slashes
7. Blade Frenzy
8. Way of the Sword
9. Way of the Sword
10. Way of the Sword
11. Swift Slashes
12. Way of the Sword
13. Counter-Attack
14. Counter-Attack
15. Counter-Attack
16. Swift Slashes
17. Counter-Attack/Stats
Recommended Items: Mana potion, Minor Totem, Runes of Blight, Health Potion, Homecoming Stone, Soulscream Ring, Fortified Bracer, Ghost Marchers, Steamboots, Runed
Cleaver, Frostburn, Staff of the Master, Shield Braker, Wingbow
Suggested Readings: Dark Sachi Swift Blade